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Behavior therapy, psychooncology and emergency psychology

Behavior therapy

The basic idea of behavioral therapy is that behavior related to disorders has been learned and other ways of thinking and behaving can be learned instead. The focus here is on trying to teach the patient methods by which he can overcome his mental complaints. But first he understands the causes and origins of his problems. The debilitating symptoms are understood and their effects on the immediate life situation analyzed. With the help of conversations and practical exercises the dysfunctional patterns are changed.


This field of specialization deals with the psychological care of cancer patients and their relatives. A cancer diagnosis burdens the body as well as the soul, so in psycho-oncology, the connections between the course of the disease and the mental state are placed in the center. In a psycho-oncological consultation questions about the illness and treatment can be asked. And problems in everyday life and work are dealt with. In addition, the therapy can find out what support family and friends can provide or need themselves. The treatment aims to stabilize the mental health of patients and their relatives, thereby improving their quality of life.

Emergency psychology

Emergency psychology deals with the situation of people after stressful acute events such as accidents, acts of violence, sudden loss of close relatives or natural disasters. In conversations, the experience is processed and dealt with through the normal reactions to the abnormal event. The aim of this consultation is to support those affected and to counteract the development of post-traumatic diseases.

"I do not know if it will be better if it gets different, but it has to change so it can get better."

G. C. Lichtenberg

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