Corona and Christmas: This is how you circumnavigate family gossip
Read the article about this on Zentralplus.
It's the fourth Advent - Christmas is coming up soon. The feast of love with his family. In times of Corona, however, the frustration and anger in many families in which vaccination skeptics meet supporters seems inevitable.
Winter blues? That is what a Zug psychologist advises
Read the article about this on Zentralplus.
The days are getting shorter and getting up in the morning is becoming increasingly difficult. At the beginning of winter, a surprising number of people feel the winter blues. Dr. Denise Hürlimann explains what people have in common with plants in this regard and how to prevent seasonal mood swings.
(Image: Unsplash/@aminhasani/zvg)
About person, behavior and preferences: profiling for more clarity in the job.
June 3, 2021, 5:30 PM TO 10:30 PM, @ PALLAS KLINIK JELMOLI ZURICH :
Ladies Drive bar talks, inspired by John Strelecky's "The Café on the Edge of the World"

April 7, 2021, 2:30 PM TO 4:00 PM, @ ZENTRUM "HEINRICH VON HÃœNENBERG" :
postponed to 2022
Topic: Looking benevolently at my lived life.
It can be good to take stock of life. Miss Dr. Hürlimann shows how it can be achieved
with a positive view of all the events and experiences from the past few years
to look, to classify them and to let go.
About person, behavior and preferences: profiling for more clarity in the job.
Public lecture at the Cham Breast Center

Radio DRS 1 broadcastet on the the topic "Resilience - The Force from the Crisis" at their program "Treffpunkt" and I was interviewed about it (german only).

The new book is out and available now at every bookstore.
Directing the panel discussion at the event Palliativ Zug, subject:
'Relatives between caring and self-care'

sources of my strength
Ways to your own strength and life energy
Power, wisdom and strength, we carry all of that within us. But all too often they are buried under the many challenges of everyday life. To become aware of this and to search for traces of your own resources and to enter energy sources already strengthens.
Together we start with the current situation. From there we move on to needs, opportunities, pathways and thought experiments. We take the time and freedom to be with ourselves for once. Those who learn to seek out places of their own strength in everyday life are more motivated, balanced and resilient. Self-confidence increases, as does the joy of acting and developing creative solutions.
As a psychologist and psychotherapist with a focus on cognitive-behavioural therapy and as a pastor with a focus on ritual life, we address women and men who like to use the combination of theological-spiritual and psychological input to ask about their own resources. We set out to name our own strengths and abilities and consciously integrate them into our lives.
Through rituals, through working with creative elements and in joint discussions, we take a look at what strengthens us personally. Questions of meaning will have their place, as will reflections on very personal paths and attitudes.
One-on-one meetings are also possible on request.
course date
May 05 – 06, 2018
Saturday 9:30 a.m. to Sunday 4:00 p.m
Number of participants:
9 - 12 people
Course costs:
CHF 240 (plus pension costs )
Course management:
Sonja Bredel
Denise Hurlimann